Sunday, May 10, 2020

10 Ways To Polish Your Social Media Presence -

5. Join industry chats.Seek out Twitter chats for the industry you’re transitioning to and join in the weekly or bi-weekly designated conversations. This is a great way to ramp  up your industry connections, build a following on social media, and showcase your industry knowledge.6. Don’t be afraid to network.Whether it’s with thought leaders in the industry youre transitioning to or employees of the company you’re hoping to someday work for, online networking  is crucial to your job search success. Begin engaging online by commenting, tweeting, or sharing relevant content, and then consider taking the networking  off of social media through email, phone call, or even Skype.7. Monitor your privacy settings.While Facebook is becoming  a big player in the job search, if by chance you prefer to keep your profile as a more personal hub, make sure your privacy settings follow suit. The same  goes for other personal social media channels. You may even consider creating personal, pri vate accounts or usernames to ensure you’re not detracting from  your job search.8. Treat every social media profile like it’s your resume.Once your privacy settings are in place, all professional social media profiles should be treated as if they’re your cover letter, resume, and portfolio. They should act as a  glowing example of your professionalism, industry knowledge, and any other skills or traits you’d like to showcase.9. Participate in some humble bragging.One of the most effective ways to tout your know-how is by showcasing things you’re proud of. For instance, avid blogging will also benefit your job  search, so why not share your posts via your social media accounts to garner views and conversation? You can also post recent work of media attention  you’ve received.10. Go above and beyond.So you’ve got a polished Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook account, but why stop there? Uncover other beneficial social media websites like  YouTube, Quora, Github,, and begin building your presence on  them. You never know what will push you to the top of a candidate list.Before you embark on your career change, make sure your social media is perfectly polished to depict you as a great candidate in your new career field.Did your social media presence help you land a job?

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